Dangit, I was doing good there for a bit. Back to the “updates every two weeks” schedule, I guess.
Eli and I carried the bare block of Vector out to Tensor so I could take it to the machine shop to be cleaned and inspected. Heavy, but carriable by two people. OK, at least when those two people are Eli and I, anyway. 😀
Then, I made some 2 gauge cable crimpers out of a broken set of bolt cutters I had. And then I made some 2/0 battery cables for Mercury. (The Dodge ambulance.) Which is thus running again. Yay!
And then I finally got around to a thing I’d been thinking of doing for a while, with Tensor. A Fallout 3: New Vegas reference, which is in itself a Woody Guthrie reference.
It’s apparently also the name of a band? I haven’t actually listened to them, I hope they’re good. 😉