Author Archives: perlhaqr
Giant hiatus
Well, I seem to have taken a nice long break from updating anything here. That’s pretty much because everything is falling apart. I’ve mostly been working on Mercury (very slowly) and Tensor and other, non-car related things. So, here. Have some very large pictures of the internals of the fuel pressure regulator that’s going on … Continue reading
Infamous Text
So, from the beginning, Vector has had some textual issues. On the original car (remember, this is the 1.1 version, with a different body shell) the inscription “Liebe über Leben” was cut into the sheet metal of the right rear quarterpanel. Unfortunately, that phrase doesn’t really mean anything. (Well, ok, it means “Love of life”, … Continue reading
“Boogedy boogedy boogedy, boys!”
“Let’s go racing!” (Is it weird that I keep making references to a children’s movie? Or is it OK because it’s Pixar?) So, on Saturday, I went racing. By which I mean, I went to the racetrack with my friend John Morningstar, and acted as ballast for the #20 Free Radicals Chrysler Cordoba. 😀 We … Continue reading
Engine tanking, working on other vehicles
Dangit, I was doing good there for a bit. Back to the “updates every two weeks” schedule, I guess. Eli and I carried the bare block of Vector out to Tensor so I could take it to the machine shop to be cleaned and inspected. Heavy, but carriable by two people. OK, at least when … Continue reading
“He did what in his cup?”
Got the pistons pulled out. I borrowed a ridge reamer from Autozone (yay for the tool lending program!) and carved off the carbon ring atop the cylinders, then unbolted the connecting rods from the crank and pushed the pistons out of the bores. Thanks to the guys on the MML for telling me about putting … Continue reading
Timing is Everything.
By which I mean, the only thing I got done yesterday was pulling the harmonic balancer, timing cover, and timing set. 😉 Yep. That’s sure an engine without a timing set. Well, OK, it’s not quite true that the only thing I got done yesterday was pulling the timing set. I also conducted an experiment … Continue reading
Splitting the Cases
As it were. I found a fairly nice engine stand on Craigslist for $50, listed as needing a caster. And indeed, it was short a caster. And the casters they used were apparently completely non-stock units, because I couldn’t find anything that had the same bolt pattern on the mounting plates anywhere online. Fortunately, I … Continue reading
Engine pull, suspension removal
Yeah, OK. Looks like I can probably get around to posting every two weeks or so. But at least I take pictures along the way! Since the last post, we got the shelves put up, and hung Shelob back on the wall: We also pulled the engine and transmission out. Vector is now up on … Continue reading
Shop updates, parts
OK, so, maybe I’m not so great at remembering to do updates. We’ve made a lot more progress on the shop; Everything that’s getting moved out has been moved out, drywall repairs done, and paint applied. Shelves are built but not in place yet. On the Vector front, the exhaust has been removed, along with … Continue reading
Daylight pictures, treasure hunt!
Given that the last picture I posted of Vector progress was shot at night, under a single fluorescent fixture, here’s a shot of it at the current stage of disassembly taken during the day so you can actually see things. So, as previously mentioned, the shop was a working motorcycle repair facility for thirty years. … Continue reading