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Timing is Everything.

Posted by on 25 April 2014

By which I mean, the only thing I got done yesterday was pulling the harmonic balancer, timing cover, and timing set.  😉


Yep.  That’s sure an engine without a timing set.

Well, OK, it’s not quite true that the only thing I got done yesterday was pulling the timing set.  I also conducted an experiment in the shatter resistance of long tube fluorescent lights when struck with steel tubing.  Experiment result: Not very.  So I spent two hours vacuuming broken glass bits out of everywhere in the entire shop.  :-/  I know good science requires repeatability, but I think I’m going to live with being a bad scientist on this one, and leave the experiment as a single run event, if possible.

Interesting to note, I found stamping marks on the timing cover flange showing when the block was last machined, and how much.  Vector had her heart bored .030″ over on Valentine’s Day, 1990.  😀  <3


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